Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Jealous brothers turn on Joseph

"I wish someone would rob him of that fancy robe of his and maybe kill him while they did it."
"Why wish? We could make it happen."
"Kill our own brother? No way," Reuben protested.
"Half brother," Simeon reminded him.
"Maybe we could half kill him," Reuben suggested. "We could dump him in that well and let great grampa Abraham's god finish him off."
"Let's do it," and they did. When Joseph arrived they stripped him of his robe and dumped him in the well. They left and tried to forget he was there.
"Maybe we can be rid of Joseph and profit too. We can sell him to those traders."
They fetched Joseph out of the well and sold him to the Midianite traders for 20 shekels of silver.