Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Nov 10. - What A Great Night We Had! By Jackson and James

1. First, the kids met at Thomas and Rachel's house with a whopping 18 kid crew mob.
2. The atmosphere at first felt like St. Peter's Cathedral.
3. When all the kids finally came in they were all quiet and calm...I wish!
4. How Eve really got Adam to eat the apple: She made it into appple pie and what man ever turned down an apple pie?
5. Did you know it is totally natural for brothers to fight even after they just became friends again.
6. Just to let you know all brothers have been fighting, even from the begging of time!
7. For all you kids, even Adam tattle-told on other people...animals too.
The snacks were great! Everybody liked them a whole lot. I thought the coyote cookies were pretty cool (does anyone want to buy a cookie cutter? My Mom has 10 left :>)). The chocolate cookies were the best ever!